Soul Retrieval & Life Review
The Wisdom Keepers Circle
Accessing the river beneath the river
A Virtual Fireside Gathering
Awaken The Sage Project is a cultural moment reclaiming the second half of life as our time of blooming into ourselves and life by restoring the culture of "coming of age" into Sage or Elder.
Today, as people grow older, they become more marginalized, unheard and unseen. Many are merely growing older instead of growing into their Eldership. Elder and Elderly are not the same. While both should be valued, we're in need of Elders, Wisdom Keepers and Sages within our communities... Those who have gone through the rites of passage of healing their past and extracting their life stories that are rich with medicine and teachings.
Our second half of life is when we can now become embodied in our personal powers and expressions and hence contribute to the dreaming of life ongoing.
We're a group who gathers weekly... circling together around the Virtual Fire (zoom) to be in ritual and storytelling where we learn how to harvest our own stories, heal our past, and grow into the Medicine we're now ripe enough to embody.
Be part of the rich conversations as we learn from our own life stories and each other.
Together, we're drawing from the stories and mythos of intact societies who've modeled how
To heal your past,
Integrate your life experiences and
become embodied in the wisdom you've grown into
To be anchored in your Personal Myth (Your Story)
Draw from the hidden depths and meanings within your life
Access a renewed inner vitality to fully live and dream life anew
"Those who don't learn the story that is trying to live through them don’t become old enough or ancient enough to serve the dream of life"
JOIN US 6:30 - 8:30 pm pst, this Monday around the Virtual Fireside (zoom)
$35 Contribution supports these gatherings.
We strive to model the Oral Tradition where through Story and conversation we draw out the practical and inspired cultural wisdom of navigating times of changing and deepening into life.
"Thank you for this. This showed up just at the right time for me. The synchronicity is ridiculous. I didn't expect much from a free zoom call and I'm so happy I showed up. This offered me fresh perspective and I feel more confident with what I'm experiencing. Thank you." ~ Gretchen
"I love this concept of becoming Elder instead of Older and how the difference is in how we know and tell our stories. You gave me new ways of looking at my life that I feel is opening me to healing from experiences I didn't think I could heal. I'm looking forward to further exploration." ~ Anna
"This experience nourished me for weeks after. I reflected on the stories and poems and conversations again and again. Thank you for offering this. It's been so helpful for me as I transition into being an empty nester questioning my marriage and what my life may now entail. I now feel inspired and empowered." ~ Julia
"Wow! One thing I'm taking away with me from your sharing is Permission. To grieve, to honor what I feel is calling me, and to say yes. It came up in my FB feed just at the right moment that morning and I'm so glad I registered. Thank you for the work you're doing and your generosity for sharing it." ~ Linda