About Our Team
Setting a New Standard
We're setting a new standard for Mentors & Therapists... and this is really important.
We have noticed a significant lack in many of today's Therapists, Coaches & Mentors where they have received training but have yet to navigate their own inner terrain. There has long been a saying "You can only help others across the rivers you've crossed"
So we've restored the traditional rites of passage where they're required to go through their own deep inner journey so they have an intimate experiential knowledge of the inner terrain.
Each one has courageously navigated our 9 month Wilderness Shadow Guide Training where they journeyed out of their comfort zones, came into direct contact with their edges, fears, grief and stories of limitation and applied the core techniques and skills to lean in and gain intimate experience with the inner terrain. There's a humility and grace cultivated by being part of such a group leaning in and facilitating group and individual experiences.

Vision Quest in Oregon Badlands

Vision Quest in Oregon Badlands
They have each experienced multiple Vision Quest where they fasted for three days and three nights alone amongst the wilds. During vision quest you're face your shadows and limitations and come into the hidden powers, beauty and strengths within. A powerful experience.
And each has experienced The Six Month Awaken The Sage Journey three or more years in a row and have intimate knowledge of the terrain, paths, and inner territories and processes we experience and navigate there-in.
They are a humble beautiful people who can greet you at your own edges, fear, grief, and beauty of life and from a humbled personal understanding, can hold space, ask the right questions, and help you steward your own inner process.
I'm deeply honored and humbled to work with such incredible courageous souls.
Where the Passion Begins
Thomas Rayven Lee

Thomas is one of the most courageous, humble, heart-centered men I have known. I have seen few people navigate the social and familial adversities and woundings with the kind of grace, compassion and strength of heart as he has. He has leaned into his own stories and has bloomed into his own power and voice. He greets Grizzly Bears in Alaska and his own shadows with the same enthusiasm and beauty. It's been an honor to be witness and be part of his journey.
He approaches life as a student with a humble reflective spirit who's always seeking how he may heal, grow, and help others. He has a depth and beauty he brings into each conversation.
He is a joyful presence and you'll immediately feel the authentic heart and spirit he brings to each circle, session, and experience.
Ute Christine Jarlik
Mentor, Coyote & Community Elder

Ute crossed the ocean from Germany some decades ago. A courageous act to honor her own voice and path while family and society tried to tame her voice and spirit. Through trials of uncertainty as she landed on foreign soil, she's learned to harness the power of resiliency and made a life for herself on her own terms while navigating. uncertainty, loss, and tending to the calling inside her. She is now a treasured Elder and mentor in our community and others as well.
She embodies the playful spirited being of Coyote and her laughter, authenticity, playfulness and directness is contagious. She is a treasured elder and mentor within our community.
Keerat Kaur Verma

Born in India and of the Sikh tradition, Keerat has navigated through intense cross-cultural biases in India and the U.S. She has crafted a new voice for women from traditional cultural roles as she healed her own traumas, navigated social and cultural conditioning, and has courageous bloomed into her own sovereignty. Married with two beautiful children she continues her deep dive in her own inner work committed to breaking the chains passed down through generations and offering her Children something original to their own. All the while being mother and partner and navigating the corporate world bringing in these traditional practices and spirit. She originally arrived in our circle with a quiet voice and now she roars and leads the charge.
Chivito Cowa

Chivito became aware how the communities and society he was in didn't share the same values early on and experienced being marginalized early in his life. This re-directed him onto a more traditional path seeking the genuine experiences and wisdom keepers who could help him remember what was forgotten. He committed himself to learning how to facilitate and guide others through the profound experiences he was gifted from these traditional ways.
He brings a depth and playfulness and a heart committed to serving others in reclaiming what is original in each of us.