Shift from merely aging to Sage-ing
Rediscover Your Life's Profound Narrative
Next In-Person Circle Is
Sat, June 1st
Like youth, adults today are navigating their own crisis lacking the Wisdom Elders, cultural traditions, and rituals as we make significant life stage transitions in a world that’s becoming more and more foreign and digitalized.
With the advice and guidance of native and non-native Wisdom Elders, we’ve begun restoring a renewed kind of village culture drawing from esteemed cultural societies.
We're restoring the perspectives and practices of aging as an honorary movement into celebrated roles as we embody and share the wisdom our life experiences has afforded us.
Once a month, we curate an unique experience where kindred spirits in the second half of life come together to reflect upon their life's journey

At this unique gathering, we restore the tradition of delving into the wellspring of ancestral and indigenous wisdom, ancient tales, and mythological narratives.
These venerable sources reveal the enigmatic layers and hidden reasons behind the paths we've traversed.
We gain new perspective on our own stories, why we experienced life as we did, and gain a valuable view of our own life story.
You learn your stories so they become a source of inner vitality and power. Your stories become of value to family and community.
Be part of a people learning their stories and reclaiming our honorary roles in society
During these gatherings:
Come to know your story
Heal the wounds of your past
Discover the deeper reasons in why you experienced what you did in your life
Release judgement, shame and guilt
See the over arching storyline of your life
Forgive yourself and others
Extract and embody the hidden strengths, wisdom and powers woven in your storied life
RESTORE your honorary role and value within family and community
How to re-define and re-imagine your role in life as you grow older
We'll explore:
1.) How the second half of life can be a time of blooming into your hidden powers and full expression or it may be a time of being pulled down by the weight of life. How to make the shift.
2.) Ancestral knowledge that offers a profound perspective shift and approach to transitioning into your next stage of life
3.) How to navigate the fears, anxieties, and grief that often visit you in these times and how to avoid the traps of getting pulled into them
4.) How to understand what's happening as you shed the layers of Self and enter a new stage of self... next stage of life. What's really happening, and how can you gain a map of the territory you must now navigate?
5.) How to shift from merely growing older to becoming Elder, Sage, Wisdom Keeper.
6.) How the second half of life can be a time of blooming into your hidden powers and full expression
"Elders are those who have survived little deaths and have learned something of the beauty and meaning of being fully alive."
Join us here at the Tortoise Temple as we gather in the old ways where through storytelling, ritual, and reflective dialogue we draw out these ancestral perspectives in our story.
Together we tap back into the River Beneath The River or our life journey and access the hidden depths, meaning and powers our life has afforded us.

Soulful Gatherings

Activities to integrate

Soulful Gatherings
"Those who don't learn the story that is trying to live through them don’t become old enough or ancient enough to serve the dream of life"
The First Saturday of Each Month​
11:45am to 3:30 pm pst,
At the Tortoise Temple
6928 SE 122nd Dr, Portland OR 97236
Lack of Handicap Access
Tortoise Temple is a residential home which has graciously offered to host our gatherings to support restoring a culture of Elder. At this time, we do not have wheel-chair access. There are a few stairs and a dirt path to our inner temple area. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you are unable to attend because of this, let us know and we'll be happy to offer a personalized phone session.
Next In-Person Circle Is
Sat, June 1st
Got Questions
Use the form to introduce yourself and ask any questions you may have.
Want to talk to someone? Use the button below to schedule a free 30 min phone conversation.
"Thank you for this. This showed up just at the right time for me. The synchronicity is ridiculous. This offered me fresh perspective and I feel more confident with what I'm experiencing. Thank you." ~ Gretchen
"I love this concept of becoming Elder instead of Older and how the difference is in how we know and tell our stories. You gave me new ways of looking at my life that I feel is opening me to healing from experiences I didn't think I could heal. I'm looking forward to further exploration." ~ Anna
"This experience nourished me for weeks after. I reflected on the stories and poems and conversations again and again. Thank you for offering this. It's been so helpful for me as I transition into being an empty nester questioning my marriage and what my life may now entail. I now feel inspired and empowered." ~ Julia
"Wow! One thing I'm taking away with me from your sharing is Permission. To grieve, to honor what I feel is calling me, and to say yes. It came up in my FB feed just at the right moment that morning and I'm so glad I registered. Thank you for the work you're doing and your generosity for sharing it." ~ Linda