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Medicine Story Podcast

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Enjoy the podcasts below... we'll be adding a new podcast each week.  These are offered on Spotify

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Entering The Second Half of Life

There's a moment we step through an invisible threshold into the 2nd half of life.   We're being initiated into a deeper experience of life and it's a time of harvesting our past and becoming embodied in the gifts our life has afforded us OR.... we get bogged down by our past.


Here we explore what this journey entails. 

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Shedding Old Skins

This is a great place to add a tagline.

Shedding old skins is also shedding the old stories that binds us to them. 


To bloom into our embodied self is to let go of old identities that re-enforce behaviors that limit us. 


But how do we do so? What are the hidden invitations and pathways?

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Ancestral Perspectives

This is a great place to add a tagline.

Shedding old skins is also shedding the old stories that binds us to them. 


To bloom into our embodied self is to let go of old identities that re-enforce behaviors that limit us. 


But how do we do so? What are the hidden invitations and pathways?

Fox Woman Remembering

This is a great place to add a tagline.

This powerful story that invites us into a kind of remembrance of our original skin and how we may find it.

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